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Honda AquaTrax Fault Code List [DTC Chart]

Honda AquaTrax Fault Code List [DTC Chart]

Fault codes (a.k.a. DTC codes) on a Honda AquaTrax can be used to diagnose and identify existing malfunctions. These codes can be pulled with a diagnostic tool or by decoding the flashing pattern of the FI malfunction indicator lamp (MIL).

If you want to find out more about how to read and decode these fault codes, this post is for you.

We at JetDrift have compiled all you need to know under one roof, including the official Honda PWC fault code list.

How to Read Honda AquaTrax Fault Codes (via MIL)

As a rule of thumb, you can read the fault codes on a Honda AquaTrax PWC by decoding the blinking pattern of the “FI” malfunction indicator lamp (a.k.a. PGM-FI MIL).

It’s very important to not confuse this lamp with the main warning light on the machine. The latter is a small LED warning light mounted on top of the dashboard.

In contrast, the FI malfunction indicator lamp is not actually a light but a circle symbol on the dashboard with the letters “FI” inside.

In case of a malfunction, all you need to do is count and decode the blinks of this indicator lamp to get the error code.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pull the code on your Honda PWC:

  1. Fit the safety lanyard clip to the base of the engine stop switch.
  2. If the warning light and PGM-FI malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) do not blink, the PGM-FI system has no problem.
  3. If the engine will not start and the MIL does not blink, crank the starter for more than ten seconds.
  4. Check the MIL for blinking.
  5. If the MIL and warning light blink, and the warning buzzer sounds, the PGM-FI system has a problem.
  6. Push the SET, MODE, ID SET or ID NO. switch for more than 2 seconds to stop the warning buzzer.
  7. Push the SET and MODE switches simultaneously for more than 5 seconds and read how many times the MIL and warning light blink.
  8. Determine the cause of the problem by using the fault code list.
Note that decoding the flashing pattern of the FI indicator light can be tricky since it uses two types of blinks to describe the codes.

According to the service manual, you can decode the blinking pattern as follows:

How to Decode Honda AquaTrax Fault Codes

  • The PGM-FI malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) denotes the failure codes (the number of blinks from 0 to 47).
  • The MIL has two types of blinks, a long blink and short blink. The long blink lasts for 1.3 seconds, the short blink lasts for 0.5 seconds.
  • When two long blinks occur, and five short blinks, that problem code is 25 (two long blinks = 20 blinks, five short blinks = 5 blinks). Then, go to the flow chart and see problem code 25.
  • When the Engine Control Module (ECM) stores some failure codes, the MIL shows the failure codes in the order from the lowest number to highest number.
  • For example, when the MIL blinks once, then blinks seven times, two failures have occurred. Follow the flow chart for failure codes 1 and 7.

Honda AquaTrax Fault Code List (MIL)

Once you know the code you can determine the cause of the malfunction with the help of this AquaTrax Fault Code list:

MILFunction FailureCauses of FaultSymptoms
No BlinksECM Malfunction• Faulty ECM• Engine does not start
No BlinksECM power/ground circuits malfunction• Open circuit at the power input and ground wires of the ECM • Blown sub-fuse D (7.5 A) • Faulty main relay • Open circuit in the main relay related circuits • Faulty engine stop switch • Open circuit in the engine stop switch related circuits • Faulty ECM • Blown main fuse (30 A)• Engine does not start
No BlinksMIL circuit malfunctionOpen circuit in MIL wire• Engine operates normally
Stays litData link circuit malfunction• Short circuit in the service check connector wire • Faulty ECM • Short circuit in the data link connector brown and green/ black wire terminals• Engine operates normally
BlinkingMIL circuit malfunction• Short circuit in the MIL wire• Engine operates normally
1 BlinkMAP sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected MAP sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the MAP sensor wire • Faulty MAP sensor• Engine operates normally
2 BlinksMAP sensor performance problem• Loose or poor connection of the MAP sensor vacuum hose • Faulty MAP sensor• Engine operates normally
7 BlinksECT sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected ECT sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the ECT sensor wire • Faulty ECT sensor• Hard to start at low temperatures (ECM controls using preset value; Cooling water temperature: 90°C/194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
8 BlinksTP sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected TP sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the TP sensor wire • Faulty TP sensor• Poor engine response when operating the throttle quickly (ECM controls using preset value; Throttle opening: 0°)
9 BlinksIAT sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected IAT sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the IAT sensor wire • Faulty IAT sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm (ECM controls using preset value; Intake air temperature: 25°C/77°F)
12 BlinksNo. 1 injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 1 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 1 injector wire • Faulty No. 1 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
13 BlinksNo. 2. injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 2 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 2 injector wire • Faulty No. 2 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
14 BlinksNo. 3. injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 3 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 3 injector wire • Faulty No. 3 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
15 BlinksNo. 4. injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 4 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 4 injector wire • Faulty No. 4 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
18 BlinksCamshaft position sensor no signal• Loose or poorly connected cam pulse generator connector • Open or short circuit in the cam pulse generator wire • Faulty cam pulse generator• Engine does not start
19 BlinksIgnition pulse generator no signal• Loose or poorly connected ignition pulse generator connector • Open or short circuit in the ignition pulse generator wire • Faulty ignition pulse generator• Engine does not start
25 BlinksKnock sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected knock sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the knock sensor wire • Faulty knock sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
29 BlinksIAC valve circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected IAC valve connector • Open or short circuit in the IAC valve wire • Faulty IAC valve• Engine stalls, hard to start, rough idling
33 BlinksECM E2-PROM malfunction• Faulty E2-PROM in the ECM• Engine operates normally • Does not hold the self-diagnostic data
42 BlinksTCP sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected TCP sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the TCP sensor wire • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
43 BlinksTCP sensor performance problem• Loose or poor connection of the TCP sensor pressure hose • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
44 BlinksEngine oil temperature sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected engine oil temperature sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the engine oil temperature sensor wire • Faulty engine oil temperature sensor• Hard to start at low temperatures (ECM controls using preset value; Engine oil temperature: 90°C/194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
45 BlinksTCP sensor system malfunction• Loose or poorly connected wastegate control solenoid valve connector • Open or short circuit in the wastegate control solenoid valve wire • Faulty wastegate control solenoid valve • Loose or poor connection of the wastegate control solenoid valve hose • Clogged wastegate actuator pressure hose • Faulty wastegate actuator • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
46 BlinksMST switch circuit malfunction• Faulty cooling system • Loose or poorly connected MST switch connector • Open or short circuit in the MST switch wire • Faulty MST switch• Engine does not start
47 BlinksHigh engine coolant temperature• Faulty cooling system • Loose or poorly connected ECT sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the ECT sensor wire • Faulty ECT sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm when the coolant temperature is 85 – 95°C (185 – 203°F) • Engine does not start when the coolant temperature is above 95°C (203°F)
This chart is for informational purposes only! For more information, please refer to the service manual.

How to Pull Honda AquaTrax DTC Codes

Besides decoding the blinks of the FI indicator, you can also extract fault codes on a Honda PWC with a diagnostic tool. The OEM device for this purpose is known as the Honda Diagnosis System (HDS) Pocket Tester. But you can also use compatible aftermarket scanners like a CanDooPro, or a Jaltest Marine Dealer Level Diagnostic Tool.

These tools do the same job as ODBII scanners in the auto industry.

They can not only directly provide the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) but they can also deliver more information about the nature of the failure.

What’s more, they can be used for checking historical DTC codes and run various tests.

Honda AquaTrax DTC scanners come with a special diagnostic cable that has to be attached to the diagnostic port on the engine.

The exact steps of this procedure are as follows:

  1. Remove the seats.
  2. Pull the safety lanyard clip off of the engine stop switch.
  3. Remove the dummy connector from the data link connector (DLC).
  4. Connect the HDS Pocket Tester to the DLC.
  5. Fit the safety lanyard clip to the base of the engine stop switch.
  6. Read the DTC and determine the cause of the problem.
  7. Also, check the freeze data.
Once you know the existing diagnostic trouble code (DTC) you can determine the cause of the problem with this Honda AquaTrax DTC list:

Honda AquaTrax DTC Code List

DTCFunction FailureCausesSymptoms
ECM malfunction•Faulty ECM• Engine does not start
ECM power/ ground circuits malfunction•Open circuit in the power input wire of the ECM • Faulty main relay • Open circuit in the main relay related wires • Faulty engine stop switch • Open circuit in the engine stop switch related wires • Blown sub-fuse D (7.5 A) • Blown main fuse (30 A)• Engine does not start
MIL circuit malfunction• Open circuit in MIL wire• Engine operates normally
Data link circuit malfunction• Short circuit in the data link connector brown and green/black wire terminals • Faulty ECM • Short circuit in the data link connector brown wire• Engine operates normally
MIL circuit malfunction• Short circuit in the MIL wire• Engine operates normally
1 - 1MAP sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the MAP sensor wire • Faulty MAP sensor• Engine operates normally
1 - 2MAP sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected MAP sensor connector • Open circuit in the MAP sensor wire • Faulty MAP sensor• Engine operates normally
2 - 1MAP sensor performance problem• Loose or poorly connected MAP sensor vacuum hose • Faulty MAP sensor• Engine operates normally
7 - 1ECT sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the ECT sensor wire • Faulty ECT sensor• Hard start at a low temperature (ECM controls using preset value; coolant temperature: 90°C/ 194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
7 – 2ECT sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected ECT sensor connector • Open circuit in the ECT sensor wire • Faulty ECT sensor• Hard start at a low temperature (ECM controls using preset value; coolant temperature: 90°C/ 194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
8 – 1TP sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the TP sensor wire • Faulty TP sensor• Poor engine response when operating the throttle quickly (ECM controls using preset value; throttle opening: 0°)
8 - 2TP sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected TP sensor connector • Open circuit in the TP sensor wire • Faulty TP sensor• Poor engine response when operating the throttle quickly (ECM controls using preset value; throttle opening: 0°)
9 – 1IAT sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the IAT sensor wire • Faulty IAT sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm (ECM controls using preset value; intake air temperature: 25°C/ 77°F)
9 – 2IAT sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected IAT sensor connector • Open circuit in the IAT sensor wire • Faulty IAT sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm (ECM controls using preset value; intake air temperature: 25°C/ 77°F)
12 - 1No. 1 injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 1 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 1 injector wire • Faulty No. 1 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
13 - 1No. 2 injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 2 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 2 injector wire • Faulty No. 2 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
14 - 1No. 3 injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 3 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 3 injector wire • Faulty No. 3 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
15 - 1No. 4 injector circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected No. 4 injector connector • Open or short circuit in the No. 4 injector wire • Faulty No. 4 injector• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
18 - 1Camshaft position sensor no signal• Loose or poorly connected camshaft position sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the camshaft position sensor wire • Faulty camshaft position sensor• Engine does not start
19 - 1Ignition pulse generator no signal• Loose or poorly connected ignition pulse generator connector • Open or short circuit in the ignition pulse generator wire • Faulty ignition pulse generator• Engine does not start
25 - 1Knock sensor circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected knock sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the knock sensor wire • Faulty knock sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
29 - 1IAC valve circuit malfunction• Loose or poorly connected IAC valve connector • Open or short circuit in the IAC valve wire • Faulty IAC valve• Engine stalls, hard to start, rough idling
33 - 2ECM E2 -PROM malfunction• Faulty ECM • Engine operates normally• ECM does not hold the self-diagnosis data
42 – 1TCP sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the TCP sensor wire • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
42 – 2TCP sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected TCP sensor connector • Open circuit in the TCP sensor wire • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
43 - 1TCP sensor performance problem• Loose or poorly connected TCP sensor vacuum hose • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
44 - 1Engine oil temperature sensor circuit low voltage• Short circuit in the engine oil temperature sensor wire • Faulty engine oil temperature sensor• Hard start at a low temperature (ECM controls using preset value; engine oil temperature: 90°C/194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
44 - 2Engine oil temperature sensor circuit high voltage• Loose or poorly connected engine oil temperature sensor connector • Open circuit in the engine oil temperature sensor wire • Faulty engine oil temperature sensor• Hard start at a low temperature (ECM controls using preset value; engine oil temperature: 90°C/194°F) • Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
45 - 1TCP sensor system malfunction• Loose or poorly connected wastegate solenoid control valve connector • Open or short circuit in the wastegate solenoid control valve wire • Faulty wastegate solenoid control valve • Loose or poorly connected wastegate solenoid control valve hose • Clogged wastegate actuator pressure hose • Faulty wastegate actuator • Faulty TCP sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm
46 - 1MST switch circuit malfunction• Faulty cooling system • Loose or poorly connected MST switch connector • Open or short circuit in the MST switch wire • Faulty MST switch• Engine does not start
47 - 1High engine coolant temperature• Faulty cooling system • Loose or poorly connected ECT sensor connector • Open or short circuit in the ECT sensor wire • Faulty ECT sensor• Engine operates below 3,000 rpm when the coolant temperature is 85 – 95°C (185 – 203°F) • Engine does not start when the coolant temperature is above 95°C (203°F)
This chart is for informational purposes only! For more information, please refer to the service manual.

How do You Clear DTC Codes on a Honda AquaTrax?

Once the malfunction is fixed, the flashing codes should automatically disappear from the dash. However, they are prone to getting stuck in the system. In this case, you have to reset the memory of the self-diagnostic system.


  1. Remove the seats.
  2. Short the data link connector (DLC) terminals using a special tool. (SCS service connector 070PZ-ZY30100)
  3. Fit the safety lanyard clip to the base of the engine stop switch.
  4. Remove the special tool from the DLC.
  5. The MIL and warning light lights about 5 seconds.
  6. While the MIL and warning light lights, connect the DLC terminals again with the special tool.
  7. The self-diagnostic memory is erased, if the MIL and warning light goes off and starts blinking.
If you have a diagnostic device, you can also use it to clear the codes on your Honda PWC.

Takeaways – Examples of Honda PWC Fault Codes

As a takeaway, we’ve listed some examples of the most common error codes on Honda PWCs:What is the code 19 on a Honda AquaTrax?

If your engine won’t start and your dashboard indicates a Code 19, this means that the ignition pulse generator has no signal.

The potential causes of this fault could be as follows:

  • Loose or poorly connected ignition pulse generator connector
  • Open or short circuit in the ignition pulse generator wire
  • Faulty ignition pulse generator
What is the code 25 on a Honda AquaTrax?

It’s safe to say that Code 25 is one of the most frequent fault codes on Honda PWCs. According to the fault code chart, this refers to a knock sensor circuit malfunction, of which the most common causes are as follows:

  • Loose or poorly connected knock sensor connector
  • Open or short circuit in the knock sensor wire
  • Faulty knock sensor

What is the code 45 on a Honda AquaTrax?

Code 45 on a Honda PWC refers to a TCP sensor system malfunction. This error can have many sources, including:

  • Loose or poorly connected wastegate control solenoid valve connector
  • Open or short circuit in the wastegate control solenoid valve wire
  • Faulty wastegate control solenoid valve
  • Loose or poor connection of the wastegate control solenoid valve hose
  • Clogged wastegate actuator pressure hose
  • Faulty wastegate actuator
  • Faulty TCP sensor
What is the code F1 on a Honda jet ski? 

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no “F1” error code on a Honda PWC. Instead, the “FI” symbol on the dashboard is actually the malfunction indicator light (MIL) on the self-diagnostic system.

The blinking pattern of this light describes specific error codes, which can be decoded with the error code chart.

Most often these codes are generated by real malfunctions, but sometimes just a defective sensor fouls the electrical system. If you can’t find the source of the error, inspect and replace the affected sensor if necessary.