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Yamaha WaveRunner Fault Code List [Chart]

Yamaha WaveRunner Fault Code List [Chart]

Even if you properly maintain your WaveRunner, problems can still occur. Malfunctions are always a big hassle, especially if you are on an offshore ride!

If your WaveRunner won’t start or has other issues, you can try to troubleshoot the problem yourself.

But if you can’t solve the problem, you will have to read the fault codes to learn more about the fault.

For your convenience, we at JetDrift have compiled the official Yamaha WaveRunner fault codes into this post, which also explains how to read them!

How to Read Yamaha WaveRunner Fault Codes

You can read the Yamaha WaveRunner fault codes with a Marine Engine Diagnostic System (MEDS) or CandooPro, which are special softwares designed for troubleshooting WaveRunners and other marine engines. You just have to connect the computer to the engine with the diagnostic cable that comes with the software. If you don’t want to invest in this software, you will have to take your WaveRunner to a dealership or service shop to read the fault codes.

There are many advantages of this MEDS marine diagnostic software, such as:

– Compatible with different PWC models

– Compatible with several marine engines like Yamaha, Mercury, Suzuki, Tohatsu, Honda

– Diagnostic cables are included in the package

– It runs engine tests while it collects and registers data to diagnose problems.

– It can help you to determine the fault faster and much more efficiently.

– Has an easy-to-read, user-friendly interface.

One of the best features of MEDS is the History tab, where you can find all records and faults that have occurred in the past. This history can be saved into a file and erased if needed.

You can find the current faults with details on the ‘Active Faults Tab.’

Yamaha WaveRunner Fault Code List

When it comes to Yamaha fault codes, they are rarely found in one place. For better understanding, we’ve compiled all official Yamaha WaveRunner fault codes into one chart.

Official Yamaha WaveRunner Fault Code Chart

11 - Normal (No Faults)
13 13 - Incorrect Pulsar Coil Signal
14 14 - Incorrect Crank Position Sensor Signal
15 15 - Incorrect Engine Temperature Sensor Signal
17 17 - Knock Sensor
18 18 - Incorrect Throttle Position Sensor Signal
19 19 - Incorrect Battery Voltage
22 22 - Incorrect Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Signal
23 23 - Incorrect Intake Air Temperature Signal
24 24 - EX CAM Position Sensor
25 25 - Incorrect Fuel Pressure Signal
26 26 - Incorrect Injector Signal
27 27 - Incorrect Water in Fuel Signal
28 28 - Incorrect Shift Position Switch Signa
29 29 - Incorrect Intake Air Pressure Sensorl
31 31 - No Tach Signal Output From ECU (OX66)
33 33 - Ignition Timing Slightly Corrected due to Starting a Cold Engine
35 35 - ECU Processing Information (OX66)
36 36 - ECU Processing Information (OX66)
37 37 - Intake Air Passage (Electronic Throttle Valve) or ECU Processing Information (OX66)
38 38 - ECU Processing Information (OX66)
39 39 - Oil Pressure Sensor
40 40 - ECU Processing Information (OX66)
41 41 - Overrev Control During Ignition Cutoff Operation (OX66)
42 42 - Overheat Control or No Oil Control (OX66)
43 43 - Buzzer Sounding (OX66)
44 44 - Incorrect Engine Stop Lanyard Switch Signal
45 45 - Shift Cut Off
46 46 - Overheat Switch
49 49 - Over Cooling
59 59 - ECM Memory (For Trouble Record Only)
62 62 - 98 Low Fuel Pressure
68 68 - VCT (S Bank) Starboard Valve Pulley Abnormal Advance
69 69 - VCT (P Bank) Port Valve Pulley Abnormal Advance
71 71 - S bank IN Starboard IN CAM Position Sensor
72 72 - P bank IN Port IN CAM Position Sensor
73 73 - OCV (S Bank) Starboard Oil Control Valve
74 74 - OCV (P Bank Port Oil Control Valve
75 75 - RCS
76 76 - RCS
77 77 - RCS
78 78 - RCS
79 79 - RCS
80 80 - RCS
81 81 - RCS
82 82 - RCS
83 83 - Tirm/Tilt Angle Sensor
84 84 - RCS
85 85 - IDM Ioncurrent Detection Module
86 86 - Y-COP Immobilizer, Theft Deterrent.
87 87 - Remote Control System
98 98 - 62 Low Fuel Pressure
112112 - ETV ETS (ECM-sub)
113113 - ETV ETS (ECM-System)
114114 - ETV ETS (ECM- Main)
115115 - ETV ETS (Throttle Valve Open)
116116 - ETV ETS (Throttle Valve Closed)
117117 - ETV ETS (Driving Motor P Short)
118118 - ETV ETS (Driving Motor N Short)
119119 - ETV ETS (Driving Motor Connector Openz)
121121 - ETV ETS (Communication Error)
122122 - ETV ETS (Driving Motor Heat)
123123 - ETV ETS (Driving Motor Relay)
124124 - TPS MTPS Open
125125 - TPS MTPS Short
126126 - TPS Throttle Position Sensor Character Fail
127127 - TPS Sub Throttle Position Sensor Open
128128 - TPS Sub Throttle Position Sensor Short
129129 - ETV MTPS
131131 - APS/ETV
132132 - APS/ETV
133133 - APS/ETV
134134 - APS/ETV
135135 - APS/ETV
136136 - ETV ETS Comm.Error Main
137137 - ETV ETS Communication Error Sub
138138 - ETV ETS (ECM Main)
139139 - ETV ETS (ECM Sub)
140140 - ETV
141141 - ETV ETS Throttle Position Sensor Voltage
142142 - ETV ETS Return Spring
143143 - ETV ETS Comm. Error
144144 - ETV ETS Low Voltage Mode
145145 - ETV ETS Throttle Valve
146146 - SPS Main SSS Power Short/Ground Open
147147 - SPS Main SSS Power Open/Ground Short
148148 - SPS Sub SSS Power Short/Ground Open
149149 - SPS Sub SSS Power Open/Ground Short
150150 - SPS SSS Character Fail
151151 - SPS
152152 - SPS
153153 - SPS Shift Motor Over Current
154154 - SPS Shift Motor Deadlock While Stopping
155155 - SPS Shift Motor Deadlock While Operating
156156 - Comm. Error 1 Channel Engine remote Connector
157157 - Comm. Error 2 Channel Engine remote Connector
160160 - MSLPS 1 Main Power Short/Ground Open
161161 - MSLPS 1 Main Power Open/Ground Short
162162 - MSLPS 1 Sub Power Short/Ground Open
163163 - MSLPS 1 Sub Power Open/Ground Short
164164 - MSLPS 1 Watching Fail
165165 - MSLPS Character Fail
166166 - MSLPS 2 Main Power Short/Ground Open
167167 - MSLPS 2 Main Power Open/Ground Short
168168 - MSLPS 2 Sub Power Short/Ground Open
169169 - MSLPS 2 Sub Power Open/Ground Short
170170 - MSLPS 2 Character Fail
171171 - SSLPS 1 Main Power Short/Ground Open
172172 - SSLPS 1 Main Power Open/Ground Short
173173 - SSLPS 1 Sub Power Short/Ground Open
174174 - SSLPS 1 Sub Power Open/Ground Short
175175 - SSLPS 1 Watching Fail
176176 - SSLPS 1 Character Fail
177177 - SSLPS 2 Main Power Short/Ground Open
178178 - SSLPS 2 Main Power Open/Ground Short
189179 - SSLPS 2 Sub Power Short/Ground Open
180180 - SSLPS 2 Sub Power Open/Ground Short
181181 - SSLPS 2 Character Fail
183183 - Station Selector System Fail
184184 - Lever Selector System Fail
186186 - Sub Station Communication Error
187187 - Lever Pickup Abnormal
252252 - FC Invalid Code---Engine Overheat
ETSElectronic Throttle System
ETVElectronic Throttle Valve
OCVOil Control Valve
MSLPSMain Station Lever Position Sensor
MTPSMain Throttle Position Sensor
RCSRemote Control System
SPSShift Position Sensor
SSLPSSub Station Lever Position Sensor
SSSShift Position Sensor
TPSThrottle Position Sensor


You can read fault codes on a WaveRunner with special diagnostic software. The two most commonly used softwares are the MEDS (Marine Engine Diagnostic Software) and the CandooPro.

You have to install them on your computer and connect it to the WaveRunner with a diagnostic cable, which is included in the package.

It’s an easy and convenient way for you to read the fault codes on your WaverRuuner yourself.


Unfortunately, these softwares are quite expensive. As an example, CandooPro Home/Limited Edition costs around $400.

If you don’t want to invest in one of these diagnostic tools, your other option is to take your WaveRunner to a dealership.

Let’s face it, this is often the best option, because even if you can read the fault code at home, you will probably have to take the craft to a mechanic for repairs.
