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Do You Get Really Wet on a Jet Ski? [Explained]

Do You Get Really Wet on a Jet Ski? [Explained]

Do you get really wet on a jet ski? – we get this question quite often, and the answer is yes! There are a lot of ways that you can get wet on a jet ski including:

If you want to find out more about these issues, keep reading. We at JetDrift have compiled all you need to know under one roof!

How Do You Get Wet on a Jet Ski?

Flipping the Jet Ski

Jet skis are known for their small nimble hulls, which can easily flip over in inexperienced hands.

The general rule is that the smaller the hull on a jet ski, the easier it flips over. Overloading these tiny machines can also make these tiny vessels more tipsy.

For example, Rec-Lite and vintage 2-stroke jet skis are mainly recommended for solo rides. Although many of these models are rated for three riders, they can easily flip over with three, or just two large adult riders onboard.

If you flip a jet ski don’t worry, just make sure to turn it back up the right way (messing up the direction of rotation can force water into the engine).

Once the ski is back in an upright position, you can reboard it from the stern.

Falling into the Water

Even if you don’t flip the jet ski, you can still fall out of the saddle, whether you are a passenger or a driver!

Jet ski pumps deliver plenty of thrusts, which can accelerate and very quickly turn the ski.

If you are not careful enough, the machine can catapult you and your passenger into the water.

Yes, that’s right, contrary to popular belief you don’t have to be doing tricks or jumps to fall off a jet ski.

Just handling the throttle improperly in a corner can throw you out of the saddle, as you can see in this video:

Getting Soaked by Water Spray

Even if you do not fall into the water, you can still get soaking wet on a jet ski from the water spray.

This annoying spray comes from the bow soaking your legs, upper body, and even your face. That’s why eye protection is a must on any jet ski.

As a rule of thumb, the larger the jet ski the more protection you can expect from the spray. Flagship touring jet skis come with huge top decks equipped with spray deflectors.

They are intended to reduce the amount of water being sprayed on you, but they can’t keep you completely dry!

Weather conditions are no less important. You can remain dryer in calm weather, while choppy waters can deliver a significant amount of water spray.

Getting Wet in The Rain

Getting wet from the rain is pain on any powersport vehicle, and jet skis are no exception. Unlike water spray, rain can harm you in many ways.

Common sense says not to ride your jet ski in the rain, but if it’s unavoidable, here are some vital tips to make it somewhat more comfortable.


Contrary to popular belief, you can’t remain dry on a jet ski. Unlike large boats, jet skis provide much less protection from weather elements.

You can get soaked on a jet ski by the choppy water spray produced by the jet ski’s hull.

What’s more, you can easily find yourself in the water if you flip the jet ski or just fall out of the saddle.

On top of that, you can even get wet if it rains, which is never a pleasant experience on a jet ski.

To stay safe and warm on your ride, it’s recommended that you wear appropriate clothes and accessories.