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Sea-Doo Top Speed Chart with All 2024 Models

Sea-Doo Top Speed Chart with All 2024 Models

Sea-Doo top speed numbers are the most wanted specs by many buyers, especially when the new Sea-Doo models are released!

From the slowest Sea-Doo Spark 60 HP to the fastest models in the performance and luxury categories, the Sea-Doo top speed numbers vary widely.

It’s not easy to compare all of the available Sea-Doo models, as you can rarely see their specifications in one chart! If you’re hunting for these specs to compare, this post is for you.

For your convenience, we at JetDrift have created a unique 2024 Sea-Doo top speed chart with all Sea-Doo models!

2024 Sea-Doo Top Speed Chart

Don’t hesitate to discover each model by clicking on their names!

ModelMSRP (USD)HPTop Speed (mph)
Spark 60 for 2$6,9996042
Spark 90 for 3$8,2999050
Spark 90 for 2$8,3999050
Spark Trixx for 1$9,0999050
Spark Trixx for 3$9,6999050
GTI 130$11,49913052
GTI SE 130$12,29913052
GTI SE 170$12,89917055
Wake 170$14,09917055
GTR 230$14,09923067
Fish Pro Scout 130$15,09913052
GTX 170$15,19917058
GTX 230$16,19923067
GTR-X 300$16,99930067
Fish Pro Sport 170$17,39917055
GTX 300$17,89930067
Wake Pro 230$18,39923067
Explorer Pro 170$18,89917055
RXP-X 325$19,19932567
GTX Limited 300$19,69930067
Explorer Pro 230$19,89923067
RXT-X 325$19,99932567
Fish Pro Trophy 170$20,49917055
* Disclaimer: The numbers provided here are for information purposes only. The numbers are based on real-world tests, so the human element, weather conditions, and curb weight of the PWCs are all integral factors.

2024 Sea-Doo Comparison Chart

For a better comparison, we’ve also gathered all of the current Kawasaki Jet Ski, WaveRunner, and Krash personal watercraft (PWC) models into this Sea-Doo comparison chart.

BrandModelMSRP ($)HPTop Speed (mph)
Sea-DooSpark 60 for 26 9996042
YamahaEX7 79910050
Sea-DooSpark 90 for 38 2999050
Sea-DooSpark 90 for 28 3999050
Sea-DooSpark Trixx for 19 0999050
YamahaEX Sport9 09910050
Sea-DooSpark Trixx for 39 6999050
YamahaEX Deluxe10 19910050
YamahaVX-C10 19912553
YamahaSuperjet10 69910054
YamahaEX Limited10 79910050
YamahaJetBlaster10 89911054
YamahaVX11 39912553
Sea-DooGTI 13011 49913052
KawasakiSTX 16011 99916062
KawasakiSX-R 16011 99916062
Sea-DooGTI SE 13012 29913052
YamahaVX Deluxe12 39912553
KawasakiSTX 160X12 59916062
YamahaVX Cruiser12 79912553
Sea-DooGTI SE 17012 89917055
KrashFootrocket13 199145NA
KrashReaper13 199145NA
KrashPred-RR13 199145NA
YamahaVX Cruiser HO13 59920065
YamahaVX Limited13 99912553
Sea-DooWake 17014 09917055
Sea-DooGTR 23014 09923067
KawasakiSTX 160LX14 29916062
YamahaGP HO14 49920065
Sea-DooFish Pro Scout 13015 09913052
Sea-DooGTX 17015 19917058
YamahaVX Limited HO15 29920065
YamahaFX HO15 69920065
Sea-DooGTX 23016 19923067
YamahaGP SVHO16 79925067
Sea-DooGTR-X 30016 99930067
YamahaFX Cruiser HO16 99920065
KawasakiULTRA 160LX-S17 19916052
Sea-DooFish Pro Sport 17017 39917055
KrashFootrocket Pro17 499145NA
Sea-DooGTX 30017 89930067
KawasakiULTRA 160LX18 19916052
Sea-DooWake Pro 23018 39923067
Sea-DooExplorer Pro 17018 89917055
Sea-DooRXP-X 32519 19932567
KawasakiULTRA 310X19 19931067
YamahaFX SVHO19 29925067
Sea-DooGTX Limited 30019 69930067
YamahaFX Cruiser SVHO19 79925067
Sea-DooExplorer Pro 23019 89923067
Sea-DooRXT-X 32519 99932567
KawasakiULTRA 310LX-S20 19931067
YamahaFX Limited SVHO20 39925067
Sea-DooFish Pro Trophy 17020 49917055
KawasakiULTRA 310LX21 19931067
* Disclaimer: The numbers provided here are for information purposes only. The numbers are based on real-world tests, so the human element, weather conditions, and curb weight of the PWCs are all integral factors.If you study this chart, you can discover that the top speed of the most powerful Sea-Doo models is the same. You might be interested in knowing that the newly manufactured PWCs have a top speed limitation of 67 mph.

That’s because the United States Coast Guard (USCG) has arrived at an agreement with the PWC manufacturers, which impacts the top speed of stock personal watercraft. This implies that every top-performance stock jet ski has a speed limiter unit installed in it.

If you’d like to know more about this topic and learn how to override this speed limiter function, don’t hesitate to read more.

2024 Sea-Doo Top Speed Specs By Model Lines

Sea-Doo Spark top speed

The cheapest Sea-Doo Spark is not only one of the most popular, but the most affordable PWC on the market today. Let’s check these models’ performances one-by-one. How fast does a Sea-Doo Spark go?

Although these are the lowest performance models in the fleet, Sea-Doo Sparks can go as fast as 42-50 mph depending on the model. The lower performance (60 HP) models offer around 42 mph top speed, while the more powerful (90 HP) models can reach the 50 mph range.

Sea-Doo Spark 60 HP: 42 mph

Sea-Doo Spark 90 HP: 50 mph

Sea-Doo Spark TRIXX: 50 mph

60 HP Sea-Doo Spark acceleration 0-30 mph: 3,6 s

90 HP Sea-Doo Spark acceleration 0-30 mph: 2,4 s

2024 Sea-Doo GTI Top Speed

If you’re a beginner, the GTI series is for you. These models offer more capacity than the Spark series for both passengers and your gear. They’re also more stable and comfortable, especially with the newly redesigned Polytec hull and the new saddle.

The 2024 Sea-Doo GTI models are perfect for everything from a short trip around the lake to a full day of family fun.

How fast is a 2024 Sea-Doo GTI?Depending on the model, a Sea-Doo GTI can go as fast as 52-55 mph. The entry-level model in the GTI family was the Sea-Doo GTI 90, which can reach around 42 mph top speed, as this model is powered by the 899cc (90 HP) Rotax engine (but discontinued in 2023). Because of this, many buyers are considering the more powerful GTI models with 130 HP or even 170 HP.

How fast does a Sea-Doo GTI 130 go?The top speed of the 2024 Sea-Doo GTI 130 is around 52 mph, and you can also expect the same performance on the GTI SE 130 model. Both of these models are powered with a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, 1630 cc, non-supercharged 130 HP Rotax engine.

How fast is a Sea-Doo GTI 170?Unfortunately, these aren’t real-world test results for the 2024 Sea-Doo GTI 170’s top speed, as this is a relatively new model in Sea-Doo’s fleet. Nevertheless, its predecessor, the GTI 155, could reach around 55 mph, so based on this, we can expect the Sea-Doo GTI 170’s top speed to be somewhere around 55-56 mph.

2024 Sea-Doo GTI 130 top speed: 52 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTI 130 SE top speed: 52 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTI 170 top speed: 55 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTX Top Speed

Sea-Doo’s touring models come under the name of GTX line. These PWCs allow you to reach secluded destinations in comfort and style. Don’t hesitate to discover these models by clicking the links below.

How fast does a Sea-Doo GTX go?You can expect the Sea-Doo GTX’s top speed to be around 55-67mph depending on the model. As Sea-Doo GTX models have supercharged as well as non-supercharged engines, we should check these models one by one.

How fast does a Sea-Doo GTX 170 go?

In the case of the GTI 170, there are no official tests available for the Sea-Doo GTX 170’s top speed and acceleration, but considering its predecessor GTX 155’s top speed (55 mph), maybe the GTX 170 can reach 56-58 mph under certain circumstances.

How fast do a Sea-Doo GTX 230 and 300 go?

Powered with supercharged engines, all of the Sea-Doo GTX 230 as well as GTX 300 models can go as fast as 67 mph. All models are powered with the same 1630cc, supercharged Rotax engine, which offers 230 or 300 HP depending on the model.

2024 Sea-Doo GTX 170 top speed: 56-58 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTX 230 and 300 top speed: 67 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTX Limited 300 top speed: 67 mph

2024 Sea-Doo GTR 230 Top Speed

The GTR 230 is the most affordable Sea-Doo performance model, thus it’s one of the most popular as well! Are you wondering what the top speed of a Sea-Doo GTR 230 is?

You can expect the Sea-Doo GTR 230’s top speed to be around 67 mph. Enjoy the power of the supercharged, 1630 cc, 3 cylinders, 230 HP Rotax engine, cooled with the closed-loop cooling system. The new hull of the GTR 230 offers 42.5 gallons of storage capacity and a convenient seat for 3 riders.

2024 Sea-Doo GTR 230 top speed: 67 mph

2024 Sea-Doo RXT-X 325 Top Speed

The RXT-X 325 is the most powerful flagship model in the fleet. It’s definitely one of the fastest Sea-Doos on the market. This PWC is designed for racing purposes as it has many racing features. If you’re a beginner, you should avoid this model!

How fast is a Sea-Doo RXT-X 325?When it comes to the Sea-Doo RXT-X 325, you can expect 67 mph top speeds and extreme acceleration. This model is powered with the upgraded 1630cc, 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, supercharged Rotax engine, which offers not less than 325 HP.

2024 Sea-Doo RXT-X 325 top speed: 67 mph

2024 Sea-Doo RXT-X 325 acceleration 0-30 mph: 1,5 s

2024 Sea-Doo RXP-X 325 Top Speed

The other flagship performance PWC in Sea-Doo’s fleet is definitely the RXP-X 325 and the brand new GTR-X 300.How fast does a Sea-Doo RXP-X 325 go?Powered with the same engine as the RTX-X 325, the Sea-Doo RXP-X can go as fast as 67 mph. This is the smaller brother of the RTX-X, as it has a slightly shorter hull and a seat for only 2 riders.

It’s one of the highest performance Sea-Doos, so it’s definitely not the beginner’s level!

2024 Sea-Doo RXP-X 325 top speed: 67 mph (limited)

2024 Sea-Doo RXP-X 325 acc. 0-50 mph: 2,9 s

2024 Sea-Doo GTR-X 300 top speed: 67 mph (limited)

2024 Sea-Doo Fish Pro Top Speed

PWC fishing is increasingly popular around the world, so Sea-doo released a special PWC designed and equipped for fishing purposes.

How fast does the 2024 Sea-Doo Fish Pro go?As the Sea-Doo Fish Pro got the new 1630cc, 170HP engine this year, there are no real-world test numbers for this model. Based on the previous (155) power source’s performance, we can expect the 2024 Sea-Doo Fish Pro’s top speed somewhere 55 mph.

2024 Sea-Doo Explorer Pro 170  is a rebranded and upgraded Fish Pro Sport 170 with some new features like the adjustable windshield, front bumper, and the LinQ multi-cargo rack. The top speed of this machine is about 55 mph, but maybe can reach 56-58 mph under ideal conditions.

2024 Sea-Doo Wake Top Speed

When it comes to wakeboarding or other tow sports, Sea-Doo’s Wake series is definitely worth taking a look at. These PWCs are specially designed for towing and equipped with several necessary accessories.

How fast does a 2024 Sea-Doo Wake 170 go?As in the case of many other Sea-Doo models for the 2020 model year, the Wake 170 also got the 1630cc (170 HP) engine upgrade. It means you can expect the 2024 Sea-Doo Wake top speed somewhere 55 mph.

How fast does a Sea-Doo Wake Pro go?The Sea-Doo Wake Pro is powered with a higher performance, supercharged engine which produces 230 HP. Thanks to this power source, the 2024 Wake Pro can hit 67 mph just like any other supercharged Sea-Doo model!

2024 Sea-Doo Wake 170 top speed: 55 mph

2024 Sea-Doo Wake Pro 230 top speed: 67 mph

Former Sea-Doo Top Speed Numbers

Sea-Doo GTI Top Speed

Sea-Doo GTI 155 top speed: 55 mph

Sea-Doo GTI SE 155 top speed: 58 mph

Sea-Doo GTI Limited 155 top speed: 58 mph

Sea-Doo GTX Top Speed

Sea-Doo GTX 155 top speed: 58 mph

Sea-Doo GTX iS 215 top speed: 64 mph

Sea-Doo GTX Limited iS 260 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo GTX Limited 230 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo GTX Limited 300 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo GTX 215 top speed: 64 mph

Sea-Doo GTS Top Speed

Sea-Doo GTS 130 top speed: 54 mph

Sea-Doo GTS Rental 130 top speed: 54 mph

Sea-Doo GTR 215 top speed: 65 mph

Sea-Doo RXT Top Speed

Sea-Doo RXT 215 top speed: 64 mph

Sea-Doo RXT-X 260 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo RXT-X aS 260 top speed 67 mph

Sea-Doo RXT iS 260 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo RXP Top Speed

Sea-Doo RXP 215 top speed: 64 mph

Sea-Doo RXP-X 255 top speed: 67 mph

Sea-Doo Wake Top Speed

Sea-Doo Wake 155 top speed: 58 mph

Sea-Doo Wake Pro 215 top speed: 64 mph

Sea-Doo XP Top Speed

1994 Sea-Doo XP 657 top speed: 47 mph

1995 Sea-Doo XP Top Speed: 45 mph

1997 Sea-Doo XP Top Speed: 56 mph

1998 Sea-Doo XP Limited Top Speed: 61 mph

1990 Sea-Doo SP top speed: 35 mph

How to increase a Sea-Doo’s top speed?

You may be wondering why most of the performance Sea-Doo models can’t exceed the speed of 67 mph?

You should know that before 1999, there were no restrictions or rules regarding PWC speeds. The USCG decided to take control of things and put forward a speed limit in place that restricted newly manufactured watercraft from exceeding top speeds of 67 mph. (65 mph with 2 mph tolerance).

From 1999 and onwards, it became necessary for PWC manufacturers (including BRP’s Sea-Doo) to install speed limiter units into the models that would limit the power of the engine.

Would you want to know how to make a Sea-Doo faster?The fastest Jet Ski, Waverunner, and Sea-Doo models can go a lot faster than 67 mph as you may have known by now. But they cannot do so the moment you buy them. If you are a PWC fan, you know that for a faster ride, your PWC needs modification. And the best way to do that is to pull more power from the engine.

The most common way to achieve this is by installing a special speed control override module, which allows your engine to perform to its full capacity. Want to make your watercraft go faster?

If you require increased speed and performance, there are so many ways to do so: You can install many performance parts or even complete Sea-Doo racing kits that let you take your Sea-Doo’s top speed into the 80-90 mph range.

But keep in mind that these modifications are marketed “for competition use only.”Last but not least, you should know that modifications could impact your watercraft’s warranty. But it’s not always the case. In the end, it all boils down to your dealership and the manufacturer.

How Fast Can a Sea-Doo Go?

How fast can a Sea-Doo go? In general, a Sea-Doo can go as fast as 42-67 mph depending on the model. As you can see, the Sea-Doo top speed and acceleration numbers vary widely. It depends on many factors like the engine performance (supercharged or not), or curb weight of the Sea-Doo or even weather conditions. 

What is the fastest Sea-Doo on the market? The fastest Sea-Doos are definitely the supercharged models, namely the RXP-X 325, RXT-X 325, the GTX family, and the GTR 230. You can find these models primarily in the performance or the luxury categories, but it also has to be mentioned that the Wake Pro 230 is also powered with a supercharged engine!

You also should know that the fastest Sea-Doo models can go much faster than 67 mph, but it needs to be modified.

Yet the joy of a ride doesn’t just come down to speed. Acceleration plays a key factor when it comes to your Sea-Doo’s level of fun! With some models that can reach 0-30 mph in under 2 seconds, you are sure to have a great time even at the Coast Guard’s speed limit.

If you wish to test out the speed and acceleration of the different models for yourself, please check out our PWC rental locator and rent a few!

For more information about available models, you can find specs, pictures, and videos in our Sea-Doo vs. Waverunner vs. Jet Ski comparison tool here.